Pray For Rain
My hunger hides out in a diner,
The one in that painting Nighthawks by Edward Hopper
Which lays suspended in the mood
Of the neglected city...
I ache like the city aches in it's amalgam of pockets
Where busy shoes refuse to shuffle,
And the crowds leave gaping snags
Of prosperity in the lurch...
God bless those teeming time capsules of so-called unimportance!...
...When I pray for rain
It's the hot ecstasy and passion of the muse for which I sing
I seek it's intoxication to seep into my body
As I wait it out like a fine wine awaits
A great feast where it can splash it's lifeblood out vigorously
Over the heads of it's partygoers...
O, Rain, come for me again!...
I need you, as I am as chapped and dry as a lizard on a rock
Seeking some forgone conclusion,
Hoping that the walls will talk
And repay me for the many times they only served as straws
To gobble up my restless, fuming, venom that was flawed,
As my snakeskins drop off left and right
Piling up like soiled linen...
Like space food I've been sapped to serve!...
Please cleanse my venal dirty words,
And materialize before me like some sprite
Within a glen...
I'll wait you out until I die...
Though forest fires may
Blacken clouds...
I'll still remain with wretched tongue
Stretched out to greet the pregnant skies
For your sweet drops to tumble down,
Though I'm exhaustingly aware
That you may seal up like a tomb
And leave me scarred and aching
At the threshold of despair...
...An envelope discarded to the
Famished womb of night...
Bunny Villaire