Aphids on the Underside
Delicacy to the ladybug
The aphids hide from her
Underside the leaf, underneath her
Feel the vibrations of her walking above
Wonder briefly about if boy ladybugs exist
And as if the thought alerted her
She lowers herself to their level
The Aphids on the Underside
Feel the vibrations of her walking alongside them
Briefly, the delicate aphids are on her level
A wondrous thought of community, of not being alone
Ladybug on the underside
The Aphids on the Underside were never there
The Aphids on the Upside
Delicate company to the ladybug
The aphids hide from her
Upside the leaf, over her
Feel the vibrations of them walking above
Wonder briefly if they care about if boy ladybugs exist
And the thought alerted her
She raises herself to their level
The Aphids
Feel her feasting
Wondrously, briefly - as if they were never there