Can GOOD people become extremely wealthy
Can good people become extremely wealthy or should you leave your heart at home in order to achieve such success. Do good people want to become extremely wealthy, and by that logic am I bad person if I do, perhaps I'm misguided. The thing I truly want might have nothing to do with money at all. Are my goals influenced by what I see or are these things that I want. I guess I could first define a good person and work from there.
When I think of a good person I think of my mom, she's the best person I've ever met (sometimes to her own detriment) and what makes her good is based on the way she treats others, basically she takes treating others the way you want to be treated to the highest degree. If it didn't negatively impact her family, she would do it without expecting anything in return. However, she would be hurt if the person doesn't show gratitude. Not because she craves a thank you, but because she genuinely wants the person to be grateful, not only towards her but in general. So good in the sense that someone who wants to do good for others and wants those around them to benefit from their action's and not the alternative.
Can I be like that and still make crazy amounts of money, is there a place for someone like that in the future even if I don't want to make that sort of money or will that type of person be a target. More importantly do I truly want to make large amounts of money, not really but a huge part of me feels like I have to if I want to continue livng the somewhat carefree life I have now. I also feel like the desire to live this carefree and withdrawn from society might not be the voice I should be. What are the chances that my current desires will only lead me to ruin.
Instead of answering all of these questions I'll do what most young people do and kick the can down the road atleast until tomorrow. For now, I'll focus on what I can do.
So anyway, since I can't tell what will happen tomorrow, I'll pursue things that are worth the pursuit even if I don't ever gain anything from it monetary or not.
What are those things that are worth the pursuit, or rather things I would do even if I had all the money in the world. For now:
1.) Music (making it)
2.) Enjoying time with family (Yes, I have to pursue that, otherwise we only meet
for tragedy and weddings)
3.) Becoming someone, I can look up to (or at least stop hating myself)
4.) Finding someone to spend the rest of my life with, or atleast someone I can
spend an afternoon with and not feel like I should've stayed home (I don that
happening anytime soon)
5.) Find something to do that won't make me dread waking up the next morning.
Don't have much to say today, wonder what tomorrow holds either way I hope I come back here, where else can I speak so freely without the fear of judgment, censorship, or lasting consequences for everything I say?