God, The Universe, and You Part 6: The Sin Eater
The practice of "sin-eating" dates back to medieval Europe. Though obscure, it is rumored to still be in practice in rural areas of Europe as well as parts of the Appalachian region in the US. If a person dies before they are able to confess their sins, food items, such as bread and ale, were placed onto the deceased. The sin-eater was hired to consume the food, therefore consuming the sins of the deceased and giving their souls access to Heaven. Despite their spiritual importance, sin-eaters were usually impoverished people, seen as outcasts, and paid mere pennies for their service. Write your take on this concept, any format, poetry or prose, fiction or otherwise.
I'm a sin eater
greedy for dried up moldy scrapes of bread
brown worm infested fruit left for the gods
I'll eat anything other people's transgressions
what are a few more added to my own pile?
So serve me up in a platter large
bulging fat full ready to explode
at the poke of a knife fork prick
pissing vomit half-digested sins
mine & others all over the gods