The Dismal Dictionary: A Book of Morose Words
Discontentment (noun)
The outcome of a stagnant life,
As one which holds little to no change or excitement.
Disappointment (noun)
The feeling of a day's endeavor bearing little significance
And no reward.
Regret (noun)
The desperate desire to have chosen differently
And spent the time on things that mattered more.
Longing (noun)
The desire for meaning and purpose
When there currently is none.
Lost (adjective)
A state of hopelessness that occurs
When one fails to find the answers
And there is nowhere else to turn.
Resignation (noun)
The act of giving up
In the midst of desolation
When nothing seems to matter anymore.
Petrification (noun)
The phenomenon of one's soul hollowing from the inside out,
Turning its being into a husk of a person,
A shadow of who they once were.
Void (noun)
A state of nothingness.