Never did she think she would get to this point. The point of her life where everything felt inescapable. Nothing was temporary anymore. Every word she spoke hung in the air. She felt like she could never do anything right and that without her, the world would have one less person to be bothered with. She begged for death. She didn't want this life anymore. Every second that went by seemed to take away one more little memory of happiness from her. And as time went on, it got worse. Waking up became impossible as it seemed her sheets were wrapping around her saying, "You know it's better, here, alone with your thoughts." But maybe that's why she found a reason to get up. Because being alone with her thoughts meant she had control over what could happen. She really could end it all. But that was only if she was alone... Alone with her thoughts which brought nothing. Nothing at all. That was the worse feeling anyone could ever have, the feeling of emptiness. And she knew this. She knew the feeling of emptiness very well. She could describe it to you perfectly. How it feels like your heart just isn't beating like everyone else's. And that maybe you weren't meant to be born. You were a mistake. She knew these things. They were lies. But having told herself these things so many times, she believed them to be true. They told her things would get better with time, and to "stay strong." But how could she stay strong when the reason she was falling down was herself?
Challenge Ended
Use the following line:
She begged for death.
Ended January 3, 2015 • 26 Entries • Created by gonegirlgone