I heard of a wanderer once that found her way back home
I had someone once that was made of cosmic dust
rebelious, full of life
always falling down from a star
someone both strong and fragile ( but aren't we all like that? )
and the stars she would fall down from
were always constructed
of sharp-cut edges
( they sparkled beautifully
reflected in the moon but they caused wounds, they caused red tears
in between the fabric of her heart )
I felt someone once that was made of cosmic dust
they bled with moondrops
sugar and traumas held too tight,
they kept their innocence
even when the world
kept crushing their shell, their armour
I met someone once that
was made of cosmic dust,
of glitter and the biggest of hearts
a someone I tried to glue back together
after each of their falls
I took a needle and countless moon threads
to mend what was damaged
I helped, I soothed
but she was never mine to fix,
and after light years from that time
I have found that what needed
to be mended
was only for her to heal
I knew someone once
that was made of cosmic dust
and now they are a new born planet
that learned how to breathe
in their own beautiful cosmic depths
and as painful as it was
you becoming a planet on your own
without my help, without my moonlit soul
gave me the power to become a planet of my own
a cosmic dust that found her own home
a melody just for her