In the aftermath of the Trump assassination attempt, two questions emerge that don't really have any good answers to them.
1. Is the secret service so incompetent that they couldn't secure a building that was identified as a vital threat?
2. Was the building not secured on purpose and the shooter allowed to take the shot?
The shooter had a shot that anyone with basic weapons training would hit 100 out of 100 times. A professional sniper was on a podcast and said that any 7-year-old who has been taught how to shoot would hit that shot. We have since learned that the shooter had been ridiculed at a rifle club, he belongs to for being such a bad shot.
There were a lot of people on social media who were upset that the shot missed (which is disturbing in itself) asking the question "How do you miss that shot?" and it's a valid question despite the motivation behind asking. The shooter should not have missed such a easy shot according to the professional sniper on the podcast.
So, with all the information that has been circulating, here is where we are...
The secret service is claiming incompetence.
Trump supporters are claiming on purpose by the government.
Those who oppose Trump are claiming that Trump organized it himself.
In regard to incompetence, these guys are supposed to be among the best you can get. If that's the best, God help anyone who needs protecting.
In regard to on purpose, that means that our own government tried to take out someone based on politics and that kind of thing isn't supposed to happen here. Instead of bemoaning the fact that the guy missed, everyone should be very concerned. Democracy is letting the people choose, not killing off your opponent so the people can't choose.
In regard to democracy, I'm kind of wondering if people actually know what it is based on the reactions I'm seeing.