how many ways can I keep you?
I can bottle you up like my emotions.
let you caress my cheeks when
you feel the need to show yourself.
Let me sit inside of you while you touch my most intimate parts.
Should I swallow you whole or sip you slow?
Let you taste me while you shower me with effection.
Or is it okay if we do this next time maybe in public
I can share you with everyone.
I leave you alone with your cold and hard as rock so I let you chill.
But I find you again when you melt in my mouth tasting your shapeless shape.
You can be unique and change when I need you to but would I do the same for you? I don't know. Maybe when you turn to snow?
I know you can be fresh so I let you take me there a little salt sometimes yes you can touch my hair.
You remain the same substance and can take any form.
I only wish I could be more flexible like you.