Litter and Sage
Have you seen my heart?
I fear it's wandered off again.
A butterfly ballet
Floating magic on the air.
A littered, plastic bag
Drifting purposeless with the winds.
Have you seen my heart?
I fear I've left it with my voice.
A symphony of words
Filled with passion, encouragement and sage advice.
A muted, shrieking banshee
Speaking in tongues and seldom heard, forever skipping steps ahead, yet somehow always behind.
Have you seen my heart?
I fear I've left it with my sight.
A most clever owl
Discerning and well versed in reading between the lines, most is often said in the pause.
A naive and pleasing harlequin
Donning chameleon skin, custom tailored for need, any hardened surface will do, so long as it's been warmed.
Have you seen my heart?
I fear I've left with my ears.
A scavenger for mysteries, the hunt is always best in the stories yet to be told.
A buzzword, selective listener
Justifying most anything, the nonsensical and half-truths, so long as you're bending definitions, you can usually make it fit.
Have you seen my heart?
It's clear I’m quite hopeless without.
Whenever it's gone missing, or playing hide and seek,
It's a tendency to take the most delight in this awful habit of hurting itself.
Roaming endlessly and tragic, thriving on dramatics,
A free fall into prey,
Any palm that catches it, is just a place to crash.
And sometimes, sometimes I wonder if it might just be better this way...
These places that I go.
These places that never last.
~A.B.K.~ ©️2017