words have fled my tongue
because while I have been home,
ostensibly 'healing', all i can think
is that once again
i am receiver of an unjust universal balance,
righteousness for those crimes
i cannot remember, far before
I was me.
i'm suspended in time
too far from the past
and yet fingers just missing
the latest future as it barely slips by
escaping the grasp of this creature
I Am.
is rebellion,
in a universe that bids me
to surrender to bitter nothing.
attempts to push me further past the edge
of empathy
taunts me to my limit with each miss of new time-spun futures I glimpse,
glowing and warming my skin in this void
each one netted together, bound tightly
(don't let it get out - it's worth more than you are!)
and the worst are the ones
where the buzz is alive;
energy dancing, drawing me in,
only to glance off the pads of my fingers, leaving me
Desperate with a taste of possibility
then drawing away in a mico-second.
this endless prison that binds me with infinitesimal new threads
that emanate from every angle,
(or rather, non-angles of timeless, shapeless void)
but will not allow me to move forward or back--
this, I think, is true hell.
please pardon my silence.
speaking is pain
that I cannot endure
without compromise.