i am doing dishes.
scrub. scrub. scrub.
grip the sink when the wave hits -
this floor will not give out
from under me.
words somehow curl their way
around the sound
of the running water
steam so hot it burns my hands
rubbed raw in my
Mom's friend's kitchen sink
"It sucks that we
have to learn to think
this way-"
scrub harder. hold the tears.
glasses fogged from heat, good.
this is not about you.
pull it together.
"- I mean, I had parked on the driveway but she
made me park on the street
so we can't be blocked in.
I didn't even think-"
rinse coffee grinds right down the drain
cool water joins to soothe the burn -
i am not
twenty four
any longer.
i am seven.
i am doing dishes.
no, i am nineteen.
i have just been told
one week ago
to have a nice life
by one who was supposed
to be there.
i am nineteen
and i have been kicked out
on the eve before the lockdown
for a global pandemic
i am not twenty-four.
i am nineteen.
and i have walked into the kitchen and i have walked into the kitchen
of my father's second ex-wife
and i greet the kids
and make myself useful
because that is what i do.
even while my boyfriend whispers with her,
and when he comes to say goodbye;
i am busy doing dishes.
wash it all away.
scrub harder until i forget
because all I feel is soap and dishwater
and the sting from the heat,
all I see is the steam and the piles and piles
one problem I can solve.
this, I can do.
I can do the dishes.
the world could end
but at least I would know the peace
of a clean kitchen sink,
mom's friend hasn't slept.
but that is why we're here -
to help, to feed, to be Together.
we know
domestic violence
but sometimes
the very best thing
that anyone could do
is to step in and take charge.
so we are here with hot food
set out dinner
they are talking
over cheesecake
(hold the wine).
and i am doing dishes.
"I've always been more into rewards than punishment."
"That's fair. I do deserve all the rewards."
"Yes, yes you do."
I laugh. I was joking when I said it. Then it hits me that he's not.
Amazing, isn't it, how quickly laughter turns to tears? ~I have never known anyone who sees me like you do.~
everyone says
that love will take you by surprise
but they are wrong.
you took me by surprise,
or you would have if not for
the fact that you knew
not to rush it
to take our time
and it forced us to evolve
bit by bit together
so no, you did not
surprise me
because I have seen you
from the start
and you have known me
slowly, and deeply
and to know that
i love you
is no surprise to me -
none at all.
because you made sure
from the start
that there would be
no surprises.
and that is
the best part of all.
selective empathy
if I told you that I had the flu
you'd tell me to go home.
but why is it
when I tell you I am flaring
with my illnesses
you neither see nor understand
you see fit
to decide
whether my suffering
is worthy enough
to be acknowledged
by way of judgement,
and doubt,
and choruses of
"you dont look sick" ?
why do you have empathy
when injury and illness
are acute
and not
when they are permanent?
just because
we handle it daily
does not mean
one time
i was walking
and i saw it
sitting there on the sidewalk
as if it belonged
and I couldn't quite believe my eyes
there it was, in front of me.
grey wings, black spots
red body, blue underneath
invasive species
that did not exist in this place
not according to the state
and I did what I knew I needed to
raised my foot
brought it down
bracing for the crunch
and it jumped, so
I had to try again -
success. the moth was no more.
and I kept walking
like a fool, almost proud
to have seen my first one
and sad to have had to kill it
because it'd been so beautiful.
then I looked up from my feet
and saw a dozen more
crawling on brick pillars
and concrete of the sidewalk
taking over the veranda
and I could not kill them all
because of what people might think
so I casually stomped two or four
more that were unlucky enough
to be within my reach of walking
stride. and pulled out my phone
to document the numbers for
the record to report the lanternflies,
the invasion, to the state
how could I have called them pretty?
now I saw through the façade.
they didn't belong here.
much like me, they would
wreak havok in environments
not their own, blow
through trees and disrupt cycles
of feeding, bring disease -
altogether, spell disaster.
they would become a plague.
they had to be controlled.
they could not simply stay.
they needed to go home.
like me, I realized.
I'd thought I this *was* my home.
but there's nothing here for me to find;
just death beneath a sole.
if only you hadn't left your drink
sitting there on the balcony
in hot, carolina heat
sweating, swirling with the pulp,
beads of perspiration
counting the seconds
like a clock -
then maybe
when you lost it
and your temper finally snapped
and your hand slipped and
the knife thudded to the deck,
the drops of blood
wouldn't have dripped
right into the glass
with the striped paper straw
and the long-melted ice
and I would not have looked down
and seen my own life
blossom and bloom in the glass
and I would not have
any reason to hate
pink lemonade
or any lemonade,
the way that I do now.
"so why does your doctor think you have cancer?"
news to me, but I answered the lab technician anyway. it's not real - can't be. I won't research. who, me? me, pull up Jstor and my alumni library database to pull the latest research? me, print it out at the public library, paperclip each one together, and label it with a blue sticky note with 'neuroendocrine/carcinoid tumors' in Sharpie to add to the piles of research that I have *not* done to figure out What Is Wrong With Me, because no one else cares to? Never.
I already read them all. I read them twice each. probably more. I've sat on them for days, all three. I ignore the symptoms part. can't go down that rabbit hole - I'm looking for something else. I want facts. I want statistics.
How long do they take to grow? (9 years). How long do people live if you catch them early enough? (perfectly fine long lives). How often are they caught early enough? (Not nearly as often as they should be). What are the odds of development in the pelvis, not the abdomen?
too slim, according to my specialist, to be worth another scan. she originally ordered me a Full-Body PET. My insurance denied it. It was amended to a triple phase abdominal CT (contrast). Now, my flare is easing up. I look "better." I sound "better." there is no need to push insurance for that scan, now. its so rare, anyway.
That word builds a whole world in my head, though. its latched onto me, to the depths of my soul, and not in the special-snowflake-syndrome pleasant way, but in the severely unpleasant one which makes you wish you had been born as anyone else. "Rare." carcinoid tumors in the pelvis are rare.
it's rare. okay, like POTS? like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? or rare like Mast Cell Activate Syndrome? like red hair, or amoxicillin allergies, and ambidexterity, and perfect pitch? rare like the worst case of domestic abuse & violence seen in the state of New York in someone's four decade career? rare like losing three friends before we were even 18?
tell me, Doctor, because I have been extremely unlucky in my life. do you mean to say that the odds are so low - that it is rare like all of that? because if so, given my track record, it seems like this is a risk I cannot take.
so I leave the appointment and drop the façade and sleep for the next three hours, because that's what clinic does to you - wipes you out. and I spend my day nauseous, hoping not to throw up, aware of the fact that yes, I have the weight back, and yes, I feel pretty good lately if we're gonna compare, but it isn't going to last. I know this cycle. I know what comes next. soon everything will change and nothing I eat will digest properly. I'll lose 20 pounds in two weeks, and it won't be a good thing, and I will once again feel like I am dying. on the third week, just as quickly, it'll stop. the weight will come back in two to three more. I'll be "stable" for maybe a month, if I'm lucky. any longer is rare.
rare, like neuroendocrine tumors in the pelvis - apparently not worth assessing for.
words have fled my tongue
because while I have been home,
ostensibly 'healing', all i can think
is that once again
i am receiver of an unjust universal balance,
righteousness for those crimes
i cannot remember, far before
I was me.
i'm suspended in time
too far from the past
and yet fingers just missing
the latest future as it barely slips by
escaping the grasp of this creature
I Am.
is rebellion,
in a universe that bids me
to surrender to bitter nothing.
attempts to push me further past the edge
of empathy
taunts me to my limit with each miss of new time-spun futures I glimpse,
glowing and warming my skin in this void
each one netted together, bound tightly
(don't let it get out - it's worth more than you are!)
and the worst are the ones
where the buzz is alive;
energy dancing, drawing me in,
only to glance off the pads of my fingers, leaving me
Desperate with a taste of possibility
then drawing away in a mico-second.
this endless prison that binds me with infinitesimal new threads
that emanate from every angle,
(or rather, non-angles of timeless, shapeless void)
but will not allow me to move forward or back--
this, I think, is true hell.
please pardon my silence.
speaking is pain
that I cannot endure
without compromise.
‘alive’ is good enough
everyone is always
so scared
of a suicide note
but they don't think
about how
paper, and letters,
words in
pen or graphite, or
typed and printed out
typed out and
in ink,
they are all
words are just words.
they cannot end a life.
so better to write
letter after letter -
dozens of them,
if that's what you need.
because in the end
writing a letter
or two
might just be
the one thing
that keeps you
for long enough to
why it is
you ~should~ be.
your suicide note
might just
be what
saves you.