You are important
Why are you sad my dear?
Don't you see?
This universe;
whose beginning we know not;
and whose end we can't see;
created you.
You originated from this vastness.
Every cell within you,
filled with Gods divine energy.
You are limitless my love.
Your pulse is the heartbeat of this universe.
You were created to be alive,
To breath in sync with those around you.
Your existence was divinely orchestrated.
The life force energy that fills the cosmos,
Exists within you.
Radiate it my love.
Show the world.
I am the universe.
My life has a purpose.
There is meaning to my existence
I am in servitude
You see.
Everyone who exists
Was created from that life force
We're all connected dear
We create an ecosystem
Our breaths are all in sync
To keep this earth full of life
You are important
Don't ever forget it
You are important.