November 2024 Drabble Challenge: Tell me about your favorite pet
I lost the best dog I've ever had this year on Dios De Los Muertos. I'd like to think there's a cool symmetry in that, and maybe a few stories in my future, but right now, I'm pretty well just mourning the fuck out of my loss. She was awesome. She'd sit next to me in my recliner, upright like a little person, and watch movies with me. So tell me about your favorite pet in a drabble, how bout it? Winner gets a prize. Rules: exactly 100 words using standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation, prose only please. Don't tag me, I'll read all the entries and pick a winner in early December.
Samuel was the one I could go to, the one that would calm me down when filled with rage and anger, trying to force its way into hate. Then I'd see that face. He loved me, no matter how I was feeling. He'd look up at me, I'd slow down, then we'd run.
Up to the apple trees, when they were bare I'd give him a loose branch, if there were apples, ripe or not, I would toss him one wait a minute, and take off again.
With Samuel, I could forget everything that plagued my mind only minutes before.