I am officially running for the Office of President of the United States
I am officially running for the Office of President of the United States
November 11, 2024
I wish to be elected President of the United States of America in 2028. I have no political party affiliation, but will be introduced simply as “American”. As of right now, I have no supporters, no ground game, and little in the way of chances.
I like my odds.
And I like to keep things simple.
I have all the Constitutional qualifications to run for this office:
I am a natural born citizen
I am in excess of 35 years of age
I have been a resident of the US all of my life (60 years)
I have a platform in which to campaign consisting of five parts:
If the US goes to war, the US goes to win the war. If this means blood will be spilled, then so be it. The American people might waste a few dollars on the military, but they will not waste their children’s lives in the military. Keep negotiations open for as long as possible. Discover diplomatic solutions. Work behind the scenes for an amicable resolution. If all of these fail, send the best and brightest to show the skeptics who is really the boss. It should never be personal. It is always business. The business of war. The business of swift action to protect US interests and the American population. War is Hell and it is profitable. I have seen both far too many times. What I want is when war is correct, when it is justifiable, and when it is final. If you wish to send a message, rename Afghanistan, East Carolina, pour some cement, give away 40 acres and a mule, and display a flag with 51 stars. The message will sink in.
For nearly half America’s history, the United States was without the IRS and a federal income tax. Americans went to war, built a country, and paid for a government all without an income tax. Thus, either the US government is too big or the taxes are too high. By removing the IRS and cutting down the size of the US government, the American people will learn which is really true. Hint, it is both.
When a law becomes useless, stop enforcing it. Government costs everyone too much in terms of both time and money. There are literally thousands of gun laws, tens of thousands of immigration laws, and hundreds of thousands of tax laws. There are contradictory laws ensuring everyone is guilty of something, no matter which way the populace acts. This level of repetition is useless and insane. By repealing the major impediments to progress, all will have access to the opportunities our country offers.
To remain a country, the citizens MUST enforce, guard, and protect the border, the language, and the customs. When thousands to millions of people cross the US border illegally, they have broken the law, PERIOD. This is an army without a uniform. This is an invasion. If it continues, America is lost. Because it continues, our culture is being diluted, our coffers become depleted. Until it is stopped and then reversed, America ceases to be what America needs to be.
American citizenship is the greatest gift ever bestowed upon man. It has value. It has meaning. It should be respected. It must be protected. For some, it is not given, it must be earned. The price is high, but the value is higher. The United States is at a breaking point that cannot accept another unproductive mouth to feed. President Calvin Coolidge was correct when he stated, “The business of America is business.” Come to the US. Follow your dreams. Find opportunity. Grow and prosper. But, do it legally. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Learn the laws. Learn the history. Learn English. Become part of the solution, not part of the problem. Then, sit back and bask in the glory of all you made for yourself and for others to come.
If you are wondering how to send a donation to my campaign, don’t. I will address (later) the issue of money in campaigns. For now, keep your money, for you will need it more than I will. Truth need not an advertising campaign for citizens to understand it for what it is. Save it for a rainy day.
You will need it more than ever then.