An open letter
To the powers that be
You may not remember
But you used to know me
And I've known you
For a very long time
You're the reason
that I get lost in rhyme
A shadow among many
Just lost in the crowd
That's where you put me
Because I was too loud
You shouldn't have done that
Because now I can hide
And I've had a nice little chat
With the others you've set aside
I can't help but smile
At the mistakes that you've made
Not knowing all the while
The price to be paid
Because we got to thinking
About all of our rage
About how it's hot enough
To melt the fucking cage
Funny thing about putting
All your problems in one place
Instead of twisting the knife
While looking in our face
We haven't been idle
We have plans of own
And a special little place
To bury all of your bones
Because unlike you
We no longer have to hide
Because now we are legion
Feeding off the rage you supplied
If I were you
I'd take the easy way out
Because once you're with us
There won't be any doubt
Free of hesitation
And ready to die
For the brand new nation
You tried to deny
We'll be seeing you soon
Have no fear about that
Our vengeful platoon
Is ready for combat