Sky or Earth (1)
There once was a girl who sat on a cloud. She loved her cloud, had everything she needed. Then, one day, she looked down. At first there was nothing of note all the other cloud children she’d come to know enjoyed thier clouds. Some napping, some gaming, some doing things she would ratger not mention. But then she came to a cloud with a boy fishing, rod at the ready. “We’re in the sky”, the girl thought but she watched curiously. It took forever but then she saw the boy getting excited he was looking around with a look of amazement. The girl waited patiently to see what he’d bring but when his hook finally surfaced it was a stack of papers. Dissapointed the girl went to lie back down on her cloud for a short nap when she heard a shriek one that shook the clouds. Her body jolted and she stopped in the middle. Looking around several others were doing the same. Creeping slowly on hands and knees she peered over the fluff and saw that the boy, fishing rod flailing in the wind, was falling and falling to where none of them knew. After a few moments of hearing his scream they were met with silence. To everyone else this was their cue to return but to her, the worry began. . .
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