The fool and his daughter.
The village had never seen anything quite like it. The rosacea of the cobblestone street made everyone feel as if he or she had committed a crime. When the priest, Montclair exited his rooms to screams sounding through the monastery he'd not prepared for the scene he met. Standing in perfect order were Jacque Rousseau and his daughter Violetta. It was not their standing there as they were both devout practitioners of the faith it was the look in their eyes. Ragged. Tired. Desperate. It was the blood dried into Violettas usually kept brown tresses. It was the way in which Jacque peered around the courtyard, looking partially crazed eyes peering into every spirit who crossed his path. Quickly Montclair wiping his face with an old cotton cloth swept across the village square. "Brother? What troubles you? I've heard the wails since before my first prayers."
Jacque had no answer his silence joined by his eyes never leaving the face of the father. Violetta groaned lowly the sing song of her voice penetrating the thoughts of both.
"Help her."
Montclair listened but his body did not move, transfixed by a spell. Placed by whom? He may never know, but within seconds he found himself wrapped in warmth, a sense of home he'd never felt. Not even when he'd given his last breathe to the human realm did he question his place on Earth.
Within the next breathe, only blood ever made sense.
Sky or Earth (1)
There once was a girl who sat on a cloud. She loved her cloud, had everything she needed. Then, one day, she looked down. At first there was nothing of note all the other cloud children she’d come to know enjoyed thier clouds. Some napping, some gaming, some doing things she would ratger not mention. But then she came to a cloud with a boy fishing, rod at the ready. “We’re in the sky”, the girl thought but she watched curiously. It took forever but then she saw the boy getting excited he was looking around with a look of amazement. The girl waited patiently to see what he’d bring but when his hook finally surfaced it was a stack of papers. Dissapointed the girl went to lie back down on her cloud for a short nap when she heard a shriek one that shook the clouds. Her body jolted and she stopped in the middle. Looking around several others were doing the same. Creeping slowly on hands and knees she peered over the fluff and saw that the boy, fishing rod flailing in the wind, was falling and falling to where none of them knew. After a few moments of hearing his scream they were met with silence. To everyone else this was their cue to return but to her, the worry began. . .
The issue I have with regrets in life is that once you recognize it as such there is no retribution. You can’t go back to the moment and change it and you cant move forward in the same fashion as you would have when you first committed the regrettable action. And for me personally it fosters this deep sadness that not even a prrfect day can shake. So why does it hit so hard? My only answer is that potentially its a physical response to the moments purposely missed. I don’t miss the person I was but I do miss when she had no regrets. I despise growing older and more responsible, holding my tongue, and subduing my adventurous urges. Im grateful to be alive but Im lost and my brain is lost and Im trying to find her agai.
My first ransom note.
If you ever want to see your precious smile again you’ll follow these demands and these demands only. Any variation could result in the lifelong pain of a smile that never reaches the eyes. If you‘re following along… firstly, you’ll open your journal and write 100 times, “ I forgive myself.” Did you do it yet? If no, stop here because you’re not ready. If yes, welcome to step two. Get up and make your bed(time of day is your last worry). Wash your face brush your teeth and… SMILE. Did you like what you saw? If not we’re getting there be patient with me. Ever heard the term “touch grass”? Yes. you’re out of touch so next we’re gonna cross that off our list. Leave your shoes by the door, they‘re not necessary quite yet. If the ground feels weird stand firmer close your eyes and when you say this envision anything and everything all at once don’t be scared of the clutter and scream out loud, to yourself if you‘re not ready but be loud “I forgive you” say it hmmmmm 25 times that should suffice. If you’ve made it this far keep your phone handy for when I arrive with the next demand.
Wait not those!
The fairy in my closet must hate me! I thought, as I put on the third pair of jeans at 3:30 this morning. “I have to be at work by 5 can you fix that inseam in about 30 seconds”, I called out to her. She loves my pants specifically, I’ve seen her shop for petes sake! Scraps of denim lay throughout the floor you’d think it was originally blue, but it used to be black before she took the waist in on all my dresses making them impossible to squeeze in. I must admire her craftsmanship however , because once every blue moon I find myself pulling out the shorts I bought in 2018 and they slip over the curve of my hips so smoothly it must be magic. Right? Wrong. I caught her! My favorite print button down was sat in the very back of my closet after months of non-use and when I slipped it on I found that the pit of the sleeve had been taken in by over an inch. Who does she think she is?! Does anyone else have a closet fairy? I think it’s time we all take a stand.
I ever.
My parents loved each other when they created me but they loved the worst parts of themselves when they created me. Im humble when I feel like it but overall im gluttonous, for everything. I need a lot of everything and Im not ashamed to feel that way. I want success, money, greatness and one conversation with mom or dad would solidify . The only difference between us is i want to learn how to be great. I have room for mistakes but not for failure and I’m not quiet enough to let it be quiet.
When I was seven, I thought that I knew everything.
If you were to ask anyone who knows me, I'm probably much the same.
But the difference from now and then is, then I wasn't afraid to practice what I knew.
One Sunday morning, after a rambunctious sleepover with my best friend Karen. We woke to my mom making us breakfast. The smell of pancakes and bacon summoned us to the round table in our little apartment. Patiently waiting my mom rounded the corner, “I’m running to the store, don’t open the door for anyone.” At 7, the excitement that grappled my body at the opportunity overcame me. On the surface I was calm, internally I was bouncing around at all the possibilities of being home alone. The moment the door locked I was on a mission to find anything left askew to get into. But my mom, the early childhood educator was meticulous. Everything locked, I decided to venture into the kitchen, everything in its rightful place but a bowl with a frothy yellow mixture just sitting by the kitchen sink. Little black flakes floating around, my eyes lit up. “What is this?” my brain searched for answers to no end. “Karen! Come look.” Karen a few years older than me at 10 floated around the corner always interested in what I had to say. Questions in here eyes. “Watch.” Taking the palmolive detergent squirting the heaviest amount I could without it being noticeable. Karen watched. Worry in her eyes, but no words exiting. “Its just cleaning stuff.” I stated with the confidence of someone who does this for a living. The moment I'd swirled everything together, the lock began to turn, and as swiftly as we'd found it we departed. Into my room we escaped into the many worlds we’d created. And for the next 30 minutes life was bliss. “Ivory Lee, it's time to eat.” The melody of my moms voice hard but loving rounded the corner. Me and Karen ran into the living area plates steaming in our usual places. Always a meat before carbs kind of girl Karen started with the bacon. Her face lit with glee at the perfect crunch, the grease that engulfed her mouth and the seemingly endless piece of meat before her. On the other hand I dived into the eggs, fluffy, slightly burnt and when I finally allowed my brain to process what had happened… Soap. All I tasted was Soap. The panic took over me, my eyes wide I wanted to yell “THROW IT AWAY!” but the instant shame I felt overtook my body. I sat silent, watching Karen as she scooped a forkful of eggs into her mouth, chewed, sighed, and swallowed. Hmm? My brain tried it's best to process. Looking into the kitchen where my mom stood fixing herself a plate, she gave me a look as if to say “are you okay?” Not wanting to give myself away I turned back to my plate, finishing the soapy eggs, then the bacon, and finally the pancakes. Walking Karen home later that afternoon as we lived in the same complex I swore I saw a bubble escape my throat but I quietly left it to fate and never told a soul about that day. Except you my dearest reader, you now know one of my many shames.
January 19th
can I maximize my love for you without ever vocally saying I Love You.
words are words, actions are actions and I love you but I can’t say it anymore. I’ll show you everyday if you want me to but I’ll never know what it sounds like unless you allow me to. I love you, I love you, I really do.