A good thing ruined by
"Drugs aren't my problem
My problem
Is I'm a creature of habit and haven't taken enough time off consecutively to make those drugs work as effectively as they once did.
Now, the accumulation seems worse than it is because it's being looked at by eyes of a newbie or abstainer whom couldn't handle the total load, and is judging things from their Start From Go perspective
In reality, their pot or 2 a day coffee intake would make the average fool shit themselves silly and have the shit smudged all over their cheeks from the jiittteriing
I don't have a drug problem, I have a consistency problem THAT means I simply follow through more than the average, and need to Procrastinate in my rituals to obtain a better outcome in regards to
X-Ingested v s. X-returnrate"
You know those study-aid pills I've been selling you from my kids scripts were, and I didn't know this ...
' Placebo '. "?
"And you're telling me this, why?"