they say how you spend the first day of the year is how you’ll spend the rest of it. personally, i never believed in such notions, but a recent time-travelling experience got me thinking and challenging my beliefs. so, i came up with a perfect plan for the 1st of january. since it was my first attempt, i had to get it right—there could be no room for missing anything productive or disrespecting the phenomenon of time by wondering, questioning, wishing, dreaming, or regretting.
to start a good day, i needed proper sleep.
at 11 pm, i sipped a strong valerian root tea—mild never works for me, except when it’s alcohol.
i decided to wake up whenever my eyes naturally opened.
i spent some time in bed organising my thoughts. there’s so much to do, and it feels like a curse that i get hungry and tired like everyone else.
you can either smoke weed or have a strong cup of green tea potent enough to make you puke. if you don’t, the level of concentration you can achieve—especially with a basic noise-cancelling plug—is unimaginable. but even then, you can’t ignore the events beyond your control.
i should have listened to my instincts and put my phone on aeroplane mode.
one distraction led to another.
i must work out.
tiredness brings calm. have you ever wondered about those who don’t need music while working out? it’s because an entire orchestra is playing in their minds.
i must organise it all.
when there’s a mountain of tasks, organising only helps if you have the will to execute them.
for today, i had only three goals.
a workout that wasn’t too intense—lest i become tired—or too light, which would leave me dissatisfied.
every second counts.
it’s 8:11 am.
let’s see how it goes from here.
i did some chores, like making breakfast and eating it. yes, at this point, even these minor activities felt like chores. it helps to get your head ready before declaring it a productive day. i need tangible results by the day’s end.
listening to music or watching short videos could be distracting, so i’m saving them for when i’m absolutely drained.
one thing i’ve noticed for a long time: when you’re focused, everything aligns to its purpose—except time. it speeds up. i just know it.
writing and editing have been part of my daily life for as long as i can remember. it had to be done today too.
half the day had gone by, and so far, i had no issues with it.
then, i doubted whether it would all work out.
i sensed fear.
and in fear, i did the only thing i know that works.
it’s a parallel thing, something beyond explanation or understanding. it’s like nature—it just is.
then, i finished the rest of my chores, evaluating everything.
there was no room for argument, only acceptance.
i did it.
maybe not entirely.
but i’d wish for it in some mystical way—with just a minor input from my side—when i could finally be happy.
mtw: business hours.
tfs: fantasy hours.
s: milestone review.
after finishing this shitty writing, i got a handle on typing.
i then switched to the second phase of the plan.
yes, we’re open for business now.
that's it. is this all that fuss was about. what about the nighttime.
saving the final hours for the best chase in the history of all time.
stream of consciousness.
so what do you think? how did i do so far?
if i search for more, i think i can locate the lost kid living somewhere in my conscience.
do you hate me now.!? nope. you cannot, that's the beauty of the game.