Growing up
I’ll never know what it was really about
’till I get to the end
The more you live, the more life feels like a dream
I went to bed at 19 and woke up at 35
I’m still the same insecure boy I always was
I just look old now
And my joints creak a bit
Is this the dream
Or is this the waking?
I smudge my fingers along the contours of my face in the glass
Drawing little circles and lines
And crosses
I thought I was going to be someone
I guess I just didn’t know how
Part of the journey is realizing that there never was a past
There never was a future
Those are delusions of the heart
There was only ever now
The forever now
That grows and strengthens the body
And then slowly rots it away
As the soul is washed in mud and silt
Bloodied and scraped and scarred
I carried my body to the river
Laid it down in the water
And slowly let the currents take it away
I looked for emotion in his face
Some life in his cheeks
Where’s that smile I knew?
It’s ok
You don’t have to speak
I love you
Please take care of yourself
I’ll see you on the other side