Our Song Lives on in Her
We had less time than I ever thought possible. I never dreamed that we would be saying goodbye before we turned 40, before our little girl was even five years old. We were still planning, still dreaming, but our time together was cut short, like a song that ends unexpectedly on a sour note that just feels wrong.
But I can still hear your melody. I hear it in our daughter’s laugh, in her conversations with you in her bedtime prayers. I see it when she cuddles up next to the dog and buries her face in his fur, when she puts her little arm around her friend to console him when he cries. I feel it when she throws her arms around my neck and squeezes me tight, when her cheek touches mine and our tears mingle together.
It breaks my heart that we won’t celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary together, that you won’t be here to see our daughter’s graduation or walk her down the aisle. With every part of my being, I miss you. But when I listen closely, I know you’re still with us. Your melody lingers on through the little life that we made together, and I will hold on tightly to those last notes until my last breath.
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