My soul is screaming.
Is it just part of the human condition to begin resenting the rules and conformity posed with maintaining the "9 to 5"?
I need freedom, creativity and flexibility to breathe.
Is anyone else suffocating the way I am? Do you feel the urge to bolt? To live a different story here on this planet? To be free to live a life of your choosing - to be granted leniance and patience...
People keep reminding me that life is too short to not do what makes you happy - how do we get to that now, before we die? I refuse to wait until I’m too exhausted to enjoy my life to start living the way my soul yearns to exist.
It’s never been so important as it is now for me to understand how to coexist within my own two realities. Do I leap and make such a drastic change that might irrevocably affect the remaining quality of life that remains for me, here? Do I stay put and endure the rat race just to keep my lights and electric on?
At what point do we stop listening to our exhausted souls’ needs and bite our earth bound fate? It’s not too late for me, I choose to alter my course - I choose freedom.