Amazing Talented Prosers I Salute You
I have been absolutely blown away by the high caliber of entries in my challenge:
Never fall asleep with an empty seat facing you. You never know what sits there while you sleep! Write a horror story, flash fiction, a poem, whatever suits your fancy. Let your imagination go wild.
Every single one of these prosers has outdone themselves with eloquently written horror or imaginative entries, all uniquely and creatively written. It is hard to believe the talent that is here in the pool of prosers. If you haven’t already looked at the entries, you should do so now and bookmark, bookmark, bookmark! If you haven’t entered this challenge yet, please do so to add to our wonderful writes. (Especially you men, there aren’t too many of you who have ignited your spark! And, I know it’s there!)
So, all of you who have entered, give yourself a big pat on the back and I reiterate, I am amazed how good you all are! Thank you so much, my friends. This is a wonderful community.