She comes to me at night...
She cursed me awake, Death's abandoned lover
My blossoming youth outshone her darkly cultivated beauty
Forced aside, she took vengeance, punishing me by and by
On this night, my velvet eyelashes are the object of her envy
Each plucked fresh by sharpened twilight nails
As I thrash and kick, pausing neither to gasp nor scream
Each one a treasure lost as she rips them loose
And plugs them in above her own dark orbs
Her laugh both pitiable and spiteful
Shaking, trembling, my tears mix with the bleeding ends
I hold my breath and wish for the salt to stop stinging
It's nearly done now I think
But then one white sculpted hand pauses just above my eye, considering
Her revenge, so often taken, has found a new shape and I can no longer blink
And so it happened, my body froze in its place, while my heart raced like a wild horse