"You might not want to visit my mind, that's where all my demons dwell..."
Outstretched Screams
They linger here, my demons shady
sailing in storm in yawning mind.
“Come to me,” my mortal demons implore
nibbling on my brain, chewing my psyche.
I smile to hide malignant spirits hovering
thriving darkness commandeering my mind.
Beasts with human faces and coated red skins
dripping with blood, pouring poison on wounds,
smothering me with outstretched screams, as
freezing knife of terror plunges within
while monsters gaily play checkers on my soul.
I suppress these spirits but I can’t release them -
they torment, swimming backstrokes in my skull
I want to flee to the moon to escape their wrath
but they wear dreadful disguise of flaming madness
I cry for relief but no one hears my plaintive cries
Don’t navigate my mind, that’s where demons dwell.