"As cold as the country," people say. Icy hearts and bitter silences are all that's expects. Not friendship or love.
Truthfully, I'm loyal to my core. I will smile at a stranger on the street and laugh with a friend. I will listen when they're upset. Offering a shoulder to cry on or just a friendly ear. Is that not warm?
Yes, I may not talk about my emotions much but is it correct to assume I'm wintery and cruel if I simply don't know how?
I talk to those I love, trust. Anyone I'm close to. Sometimes a bit too much. Yet some still believe I live in chilly silence. That I don't talk at all. They still call me an ice queen.
I don't melt in Summer; I tan. It just takes me a season to warm up. Is it really cold-hearted to talks a while to trust? Or is it smart? Isn't it just human nature?
How can they call me cold?