Why is growth addictive?
Addicted To Growing Up
It's not the growth
That's addictive
It's what comes with it
The benefits of growing up
Of growing old
The freedom
When you're 10
You're the top of elementary school
When you're 11
You're in middle school
When you're 14
You're in high school
At 16
You can drive
That's more freedom
At 18
You're an adult
More freedom
At 21
You can drink your soul away
At 23
Your brain is fully developed
Then you fall in love
Have kids
Raise a family
Then you grow old
You earn your respect
You tell stories from when
You were still young
Then comes
The hands of death
And you're gone
But you've left a goal
For future generations
So it was all worth it
Cuz you couldn't stop
You were addicted
To growing up