The Chase
The sun wakes her up but he never slept
He longs to see her except as he turns
Is only then when she awakes to breathe
The moon beams at twilight while sun casts shadows
He runs fast winters so she gleams longer
Never satisfied with what he gave her
The sun catches her just for a second
At the brim of the horizon she smiled
But in an instant he was gone again
He'll find himself out of breath not knowing
Whether it is her charm that captures him
Or her short lived, escaping company
He'll never catch up to fading moments
Once the two cross paths, he'll only want more
Exuding his light to please her being
He will die for her endless starvation
Discontent with life, always wondering
Why he always caught his dream girl running
Not realizing because of his strive
Her beauty was seen and led her to thrive
He was the reason she lived unfulfilled
Because he too died for reasons she lived