Skull of Souls
Cracking his head open
against the wall of death
he stores souls in his skull
for her to wear around her neck,
a final attempt at togetherness.
He strains to crawl and hide
inside broken skull, with
voice dangling in vicious madness,
earsplitting cries crushing cranium
luring her to sense of security,
a final attempt to hide derelict fate.
She is enveloped by a sickening tapping,
his thoughts entangled around her neck,
laced with bloody ribbons multiplying
to cushion the crackling voices.
Grey matters is crammed into fissures,
mud in the sewer of her mind.
The road melts before her in puddles,
black tar hitting her skull necklace,
sucking his entity through a straw,
existing in a black and festered hole
dying in a void that overcomes his sin
His shuttered eyes capture darkness,
he tries to escape the skull of souls,
brain finds no sleep – comatose ravings
interwoven into his hollow bones.
She casts the necklace of souls aside,
crushes his skull and is free from darkness
as he drowns in a dearth that annihilates.