I remember the eyes of the stranger
our words that melded
our hands that stroked
as if we knew who we were as one
It was the numbness that made it easy, digestible...
In the sweat, in the heat, in the sway of our dance
It was the excitement, the pleasure of our skin
faced with our disorientation that made it even more terrifying
It was the beat of your heart
foreign, mocking, but of a great allure
that tempted me into an unspeakable madness
You were to let me die, then and there
amongst the filth, or maybe the beauty of
your ego...
It was our fleeting ecstasy
that made me fall deep
Deeper and deeper into the sea
of our climax
There was a flame that we made
A flame that still holds me
A flame that burns me, that hurts me
but one that embraces me as human
It is a flame that I dare not speak of today.