Boiled stem
embodied lichen
growing under my skin.
Dreaming of heat
and sun withered weathers
flying from the cold
in glue pasted feathers.
I found the core
of saddened flow
the rain of my rivers
that turn from red to blue.
Always carrying a stone
even in hanging cliffs
everywhere that drones
as hangover spheres that once were riffs.
Why is the sad song flowing
as it was myself?
Who killed the muse?
Who was the founding father
of violent abuse?
Who gave them shelter and old sweaters?
Who drained the cold of forsaken labour workers?
Where is my beer?
Why are there berries in the garden?
Who commenced the yihad against protocinycall preachers?
Who lifted the sun for us?
And why do we rest in shade?
Tell me why,
its laid
as a kidney stone
under my skin.
Tell me why,
we can't ascend
without heating laughter
right into the happiness cloud.