Let There Be Light!
I had been to places
Where darkness reigned
But only for a time
Til light exploded
And all the dark dispelled
I'd sojourned in a sun-less universe
Broken, Beleagured, Blind
I waged my war against demons dark
The joy muggers
The veil upon life's glorious art
I have also known the joy of angels
Dispensing peace and calm
To my sightless being
In havens darkness dare not be
I have known brilliance untold
I have known the dark of the moon
How it pales in contrast
To the radiance
Of the stars of my fashion
Though blind, my world so bright
I will not be held captive
By the tentacles of gloom
I break free into the light within
Truly, my senses have flown
Vivid fancy sets me free.
To Your Friend, @tatteredthread:
"May the God of Light reveal that which eyes can't"