Bastion twisting, we
confirm with and conform to
the shape surrounding
How does one describe
shape of desire, self
pining for vibrance unrequited,
desperate for destruction
desolate in rumination
determined to be there
at the end
eyeing that easy road, with
many leaden burdens,
the tip of mountain pass
beyond the garden gate.
How is it possible
to describe the indescript
but through the acts of
passion - complete loss
of self in self,
righteous, indignant, glorified,
condemned left whipped and alone
in a glen so green
our skin might slip easily
hanged on sharp branches
bone and sinew leaving the rest
to richly satisfy
amble traipse dance whirl
twist spin away,
and the next moment
and renewal
less than before
shape begets shape
invert and crystalline
fractal and enveloping
gone again
gone again
Birch twig, stretched across yr navel
replete with flowing emerald
a catkin saying last farewell
in the cool air
dancing shapes alight
in these sacred curves, mountains
in their own right - navigable
by trust and closed eyelids
warm whispers
endless silence
that vastness in flesh
Feel those roots drinking deeply
and remember
what did it feel like
to be exhaled
from the infinite
pool to pool
a conscious effort to materialize
And after:
hyphae stretched, longing
passing sinewy messages
to distance crevices -
bleeding always, enduring
the bleakness of space