i'm in need of some fresh reading material so every other week i'm going to post a one- or two-word prompt. poetry or prose. i hope this one inspires!
Ended May 2, 2020 • 12 Entries • Created by sa_
Write a story using only dialogue.
No exceptions. You are allowed to use dialogue tags, but bonus points if you don’t. If you do, avoid including actions or descriptions (no, “she said as she walked through the park.”)
The challenge is meant to see how much you can evoke just through speech. How will you imply setting? How will you distinguish between characters' voices? How will the reader ever truly know your characters’ thoughts, if she can only hear what they say? Perhaps you’ll even include a twist ending. After all, the reader is blind, deprived of all her senses save her hearing. Have fun.
Ended March 5, 2019 • 6 Entries • Created by sa_