Bad People
We drop our "negative" friends and people like changing a new cloth. We always tell people not to mix with the bad, toxic and negative people because they drain your energy and stop you from being the best you can be.
Articles like "identify narcissists; sociopath; toxic people; emotionally abusive people; codependent relationship; emotionally controlling people; manipulative behaviour; impulsive behaviour, etc"
Sometimes they are good for a read but sometimes they are not.
Sometimes, one needs to learn and experience real life experiences. You have got to experience what you need to experience in order to understand living!
We know Life is like the rhythms of a heart or the ocean waves, it goes up and down with a spectrum of magnitudes. It's understandable that we don't get to choose where to be born nor our inborn features, innate talents, temperament, genetic and the environment (eg. the written articles that we treated them like a bible.) They are the external locus of controls, pretty much.
It's unkind to adopt external information to generalize an experience, it's unkind to not generalize as well. Experiences shaped us and what's the probability of getting the same result for our new similar experience without experiencing it before?
We judge maybe because we feel we are entitled to do so. Sometimes, we judge to avoid failure and acute criticism. At first, we may care what people think of us but slowly we become our own worst critic.
We become unkind not only toward people and circumstances but also toward ourselves.
Don't drop your "bad friend" like a bomb and don't treat yourself unkindly, they are uniquely crafted and connected to you for a reason during either this lifetime, this season or just a day. If you can handle, do so but if you can't, you'll know it's time reevaluate and maybe move on. After all, no one is perfect, nothing is constant and change is the only constant thing in life.
Be kind to yourself, the people, the community and the world. Only those who persevere understand and enjoy what life is giving. Life is indeed beautiful.
Broken, Strong
Each of us come across countless social issues in life. I was embarrassed by some and most of them are relationships that are dear to me...
"Son, no one gets to live freely when we don't know how to be broken," says Pa.
He continues, "Break down little by little, sometimes, a lot more than you can hold. One day, you feel like you have lost everything and being drowned into nothingness; that's where you see the light. The light that is more lucid than any light you have seen in the world. That's the life you will be grateful for, that... you're still alive.
No one lives in brokenness forever and likewise for the other side. Yet, these adventures build characters you own today. So my dear, embrace your scars. You deserve them as the medals of triumph."
"Be strong in brokenness... Thank you, Pa" says, Son.