Guys are pigs
I can't say much else about them
I have had many experiences with guys
Just within the past year
That may sound bad
But it's true...
Fist there was Josh
He made me so happy
He was my world
He actually wasn't a bad guy
I messed things up with him
Which leads me to...
Second Trent
He kissed me
He kept pushing himself on me
Knowing I had a boyfriend
He didn't care
Eventually I just stopped fighting it
After my boyfriend broke up with me
Trent wanted nothing to do with me
He also bad mouthed me to my best friend...
Third Caleb
My other best friend's crush
She had sex with him
She was crazy about him
He was not right for her
In a way I might have done this to show her he was bad
Or maybe I was just tying to cover my own pain
I kissed him
The I had sex with him
He promised me he was done with her
I soon realized he lied to me...
Fourth Ronald
He had a girlfriend
Broke up with her
Kissed me
Wanted to have sex with me
Told me he was done with his girlfriend
His girlfriend came after me
And now who's the happy couple...
Fifth Kody
He was actually kind of on going
He has just wanted to be friends with benefits
I was okay with that
Just because at least with this situation I could control if I got hurt or not
We would talk I would give him stuff
Then I text him one day
I say, hey Kody
I get a response back "Hi this is Kody's girlfriend"
Well alrighty then
Kody has not messaged me since
I shouldn't be surprised with him because he's done this before
I'm always the 'side hoe' with him...
And sixth Rick
Dame he is hot
He doesn't want a relationship
He just wants sex...
This is what I have dealt with in the past year...
I'm done with it...
I'm tired of hurting...
So I just pretty much stopped caring...
Guys are pigs there is no question...
I want to be a guys first choice
Someone who he wants to give the world too
I want to feel important to a guy
I don't just want to be that girl who's just there anymore...
I thought I would share because I'm sick of being lied to.
Your Choice
I am so tired of being lied to
You can choose to be with her
Getting slapped
Getting yelled at
Not truly being appreciated
She doesn't understand you
She thinks so little of you
You just let her push you around
I on the other hand know who you are
I think the best of you
I would never hurt you
I love so deeply
I would always be here for you
I would never cheat on you
But hey I can't get mad at you for going back to her
It's your choice
But I don't like being lied to
So yeah
What's done is done
Never First Choice
I try to hard but I never come first
I've never received flowers
I've never been one that people were envious of
I know how people feel about me
I know what they say
I know what they think
They think they know me
But no one really takes the time to get to know me
I am me
I cry
I laugh
I'm sad
I'm happy
I'm alone
I feel pain
I love unconditionally
But I'm never first choice
I'm always booty call
I'm always a well maybe just for a second
I'm a just until someone better comes along
I'm not what people desire
I learned this the hard way! <3
She loved me,
Or so she said
Lying to me was her first mistake
Damn she thought she was clever
Sneaking around behind my back
Only to come back home to me and lie to my face
I loved her
I did but love is not one sided
Nothing is really one sided
Sadly she is gone now
When we promised our lives to each other we meant it
I still love her
She still loves me
She loves me from the grave which she dug for herself
So now I release her from her vows
She is now free!
I Don’t Care
You said said you gradually started losing feelings for me. What the hell! Really? Just a week ago you were telling me that we were fine that you loved me that I was all you wanted. You made me feel special but that was a lie. You know what I don't care anymore, I did everything I could and now I don't feel a GOD DAMN THING:) people say that I've gone crazy.. maybe. At first I hurt but now it is what it is I'm not happy I'm not sad and I'm not angry anymore. I lost my virginity to someone who meant nothing to me and sure knowing that hurt at first but now its just something that happened. How do you like me now, you still fucking love me hahahaha no, no you don't you don't give two fucks about me and you know what same goes to you. The way I feel right now is a dangerous way to feel, I hit my self- destruct button and it's slowly working. I may be falling apart but at least now you don't have to be here to watch me tumble and fall. You told me you don't care anymore so now its my turn I hope your life works out great for you, you can call me when your done with your shit.
This world is dark and twisted, what was once fine and lovable has slowly perished with time. You can not tell me you do not see it, it was right in front of you. You lied to me, you knew how you felt but you tried to make yourself feel something different. Just be honest that's all I ask of you. I can't change what happened and neither can you, so are we just going to sit here and dwell on the past? Can we move past this or is this just the end? Your the only one who can't forgive and forget and its holding me back as well. I'M SORRY! I can't say it enough, but I am not the only one who wronged in this, it was your fault too but I will take your blame. I just want your honesty tell me what I can do to keep you around. You told me you would never leave me... LIE. You told me you loved me... LIE. You told me I couldn't change your mind about me...LIE. You told me I was perfect in your eyes...LIE. What the fuck really,obviously you can't be honest. I can't try anymore, I won't if you want me you know where I am but until that day I out of your life because I'm done with your twisted fucking logic.
Don’t Bleed
Great advice, don't bleed, do you think I choose to have all these open wounds? I don't want to bleed this is what the world has chosen for me to do what I don't want to do, someone has to be the example or others will not learn. Don't judge me your not witnessing what is happening behind closed doors. I used to care what others say, if you asked me yesterday if I cared about anything I would have said, yes I care about everything. But today I laugh at the thought of caring it feels as if I've given, but if I've given up why am I still here. I cant feel anymore I want to but I cant there is a large tear in my heart and that tear replace me. The person the was loved and fun to be around, she's just gone. So you tell me not to bleed but if I someone who is just a shell of a person does not bleed then who will? I could not bring myself to ask a person who is happy to bleed, if no one bleeds who will be the example.
The loss of a love because your own betrayal; fair? No, I cheated then I lied that I will admit. You said you could forgive, you said you would be fine. If that itself was not a lie I would not be alone right now. You could not forgive, you are not fine and now everything we had is lost. I mess up, this is a pain of my own doing, I don't feel like I deserve to be happy so I found one way you scare my happiness away. The plans of a family, the plan of building a life together they all just washed away. Now when you think of me you think disgust, hatred, betrayal, and pain. I want to take you pain away but you cut me out of your life, at one point I was your world and now the thought of even letting me into your world hasn't even crossed your mind. The pain I feel is my own doing I can't fix what I've done and now I hear your voice playing over and over again telling me good- bye.