a theme of the ages, only more relevant now perhaps then ever. Write about your greatest fear stemming from a natural force, great or small, outside the confines of humanity.
Ended June 15, 2019 • 1 Entry • Created by 44
oppression of the people
If you believe men are systematically (read, SYSTEMATICALLY) oppressed in a way that is anything other than their own creation please describe your reasoning and pov.
Anyone else wanting to contribute their thoughts or personal anecdote on the topic of cultural or systematic oppression please share.
Let us acknowledge differences and the variety of experiences and lives lived.
share your deepest emotions, the most passionate and all encompassing moments of love that you've experienced. Is there ever regret involved?
Ended March 10, 2018 • 4 Entries • Created by 44
How do you define yourself? Where do you end and the identity the world has imposed upon you begin? I'm interested in your personal exploration into what it means to be an individual. Internal conflict, moral debate, or an unwavering confidence? Let it all spill out.
Ended March 28, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by 44