A collection
I want you I need you
To feel you I love you
But that cannot change the fact
Our hopes will not remain in tact
Our desires are just a wistful wind
Of paradise and Cardinal sin
We follow blind as a sheep in the dark
Looking for some god to spark
A joy in us to be provoked
Based on trust that ain’t no joke
An honest love that’s lights our soul
On fire with that glowing gold
A Magic power that won’t be doused
By circumstance or whereabouts
That will hold fast made to outlast
But Our moments past shatter like glass
So now’s the time to take and grab
The feeling of that gratuitous laugh
Sublime slices
The ripeness of each other’s devices
Despite prices
I’m indulging and evolving
My crisis
You can love the feeling
But time is not free
I’m waiting on what’s been coming to me
You can try to hold on
But This life is a dream
I’m hoping we can both be redeemed
You can love the feeling
But time is not free
All our moments
Are fleeing from me
You can Try to hold on
But this life is a dream
All our moments
Are fleeing from me
You’re my only-- only one who loves me holds me
When I’m lonely only, scolds me when I’ve done
Something so cold, I’ll boldly come
console you, hold our moments close so you can
tell the truth is whole, when I’m with you, there is no
hole, my soul is full, how flowers bloom, see gardens grow
I’ve come to sow, bestow you with my loving force you know
Each moment is to be cherished,
be Embarrassed cause I’m declaring you the fairest
Even marriage has it’s edges, let’s be rebellious with love extensive,
Let’s be relentless, climb any fences, over pretenses, so I’m the menace,
To your incentives, no I’m the stimulus to your intelligence, yes let’s be intimate
And get to feelin’ it, each instant for what really it is, just a second of frivolous medicine, you can’t predict the end so let’s make what we imagine
You can love the feeling
But time is not free
All our moments
Are fleeing from me
You can Try to hold on
But this life is a dream
All our moments
Are fleeing from me
English Professor,
Like Melville’s infamous lawyer?
With honest justified force,
Breathing that high air;
Must be like Re Reading America…
While enchanted students sit bravely
Prepared for an onslaught
Of natural intent, a nighttime fire
Is burning to light our minds with his lit mind.
Dive deep beneath some general
Outline. What fine points.
From a rural yard (I imagine a Hemingway home)
Learned from brown, red, white trees,
To schools: of gold so blue;
For a city of high students
He sits in a chair— that is high too.
His position to me should be exalted to literary statistician.
When he extricates it is an exorcism.
Pulling flesh from form to transform,
The carcass that remains is bloody as hell,
Easy to understand in its nakedness.
What Mind Readings,
Such deep reading,
Undoubtedly full of meaning,
Devotedly delivering his methods of teaching.
Upstanding, with classy wit,
Outstanding by brandishing sharp words as swords.
Speaks more with feeling than Othello the Moor!
A smugness of purity, what toughness, what grit…
Master of the wilderness, King of English lit!
In the morning, each mourning
...Just as it sounds...
I am mourning; over dead dreams.
Did I frolic through golden rich flowers?
As a young man did I smile inside
A bed of innocence.
Why did I awake to become poor?
Where did I grow old? Under what cracking roof?
I remember in the morning, each mourning
It matters not my decay,
All the "beautiful days'"
Such scattering of dutiful praise:
Will headlong, or worse, thoughtfully drown.
Maybe they'll be evaporating steam over my mouth-Soured shut with dissipating ideas of cloudy paradise...
Instead of darkness- but still, without light.
Painless truth.
Come morning of my death, when night-time dreams And hope-filled dreams have sudden left.
There is solace in the mourning.
Standing on my roof top
When the moon dropped
Shallow above my head
Slow night no traffic is a mellow thing
I could hear the ocean bellowing
Calling my name
So I drove to pier to take a swim
In the early am
Just to feel the icy waves
Bring goosebumps to my skin
Tired of always feeling a slave
The moonlight was awakening
Something forgotten within
My calm seafaring champion
The seas rock and won't stop for asking
wave upon wave keep crashing
slave on slaves run poor interaction
Til the routine's soothing's mastered
How'd I get Lost in the ocean
On my back floating
Why didn't I notice my horizon line unfocused
The fresh pine smell gone
My memory's turned on
Hopes of the coastland
But most hands aren't dealt
Better than their host stands
And my host is cold and boisterous
Inside this great wide open
I tried to scream but my voice just
wouldn't be redeemed
my Choices weak as dreams
I Fainted and fell asleep
The sick love is taking
Upon fainting we are awaking
No more forsaking what was forsaken
No time for taking, we're making paces
Steps into the depths
Where the water races
Kept in a chest was her body at death
Peaceful at rest
Turns out I never left
My roof, moon still blazing
Standing on my roof top
When the moon dropped
Shallow above my head
Slow night no traffic is a mellow thing
I could hear the ocean bellowing
Her past calling to me
She is more than a siren
She who fell to the bottom of the sea
Without even saying fare well
She is less than my lies when
I'm inventing to re-imagine her dying
Her smile alive
Like a boat capsizing
A willing captain Loses his prize
Kept his eyes but blind to life
Still he strives to find
The diamonds of her kindness
The Mind Ablaze, Prose&Poetry, 16-99, 10000, Aaron Barth-Martinson, thought provoking and different.
you try and try to make it work
but you know yes you know it cannot be so
because you have learned that love is also an emotion
and no emotion can last forever
so you leave her
since you have no choice because everything is fading
all is not lost
That is real.
Until the feeling of Lust transforms into that lesser dying form of love
And then you must face your mortality again
And break another "pure" heart
Dear God are You Listening?
Dear God are you listening?
Dear God are you listening?
Dear God are you listening?
Dear God are you listening?
Infatuated with this universe
Agitated it's divine and perverse
Aggravated at the puzzle of death
Captivated when I watch my breath
Imagination running wild searching miles
A hundred ruined smiles on these chapel tiles
Does your church encourage the fear of God
If it does they're not sincere it's fraud
Does your minister claim to know where you go when you die
Is it sinister to think we'll be gone in the blink of an
I don't pretend to know what God is
I won't even claim to know if God really exists
When bad shit happens to good peeps
You can chalk it up to karma
Re-creation in this drama
Tell me how is money all that matters in these streets
Call me hysterical I do believe in miracles and still question my belief
Dear God are you listening?
God are you listening?
God are you listening?
God are you listening?
How can I be near to you
Then fear you
If you open doors
Why can't you be clear to me
Appear to me
When I need some more
A melody to fatalities no duality's a broken sword
Should I compare my conscience to the voice of the Lord
And how shall I embrace what I cannot see
When might I taste the peace of these ancient philosophies
When may I be free from humanities tyrannies
Can disease be defeated by praying properly
Validated make sure you see to you and yours
Animated I may be lapidated by meteors
Damnation and paradise maybe fabrication
Depending on your pair of eyes just an adaptation
My Wellbeing Dangles With Her Words From Her Lips
I stand a distance am attentive and
Enthralled, she absolves and revolves and hums,
As is true with angels with outstretched hands
To entice and intrigue like when death comes.
Her tresses curl covering bare shoulders,
Her sun dress slips caressed by gentle wind.
Her hand delicate and reaching over
To correct God’s natural hankering.
Glimpse those calling eyes disappear in spheres,
So upholding saints meaning while still closed,
Shine a quality to divulge my fears.
Lips open slowly, what will she expose?
A reflection as effortless as dreams;
Before the truth I seek that seldom gleams.
So Diary,
This afternoon I watched my best friend Samuel eat his father, mother and girlfriend on the front lawn.
I hid behind the velvety curtains just inside the living room between the black leather couch and the wide sun glaring windows, trembling near uncontrollably, listening to horrific feast.
It was as if Cows were being slaughtered just behind the glass. Blood and innards splashed on the windowsill and all the while Sam, had this joyous vacant look in his swollen reddened eyes, joyous and vacant- like a psychopathic serial rapist I imagine.
I guess I'll never be able to make crude and lewd and utterly outlandish jokes with him ever again. Or laugh at his cringing sarcastic nature, or play basketball with him.
Maybe; if there are any scientists out there, who have not already been zombified, maybe then-- if I can get to them. But how can I leave this house when I look outside and see a parade of soulless plagued bodies marching and feasting on each other.
I can't stop thinking about how Donald Trump built that wall and repealed President Obama's health care legislation.
I can't help but wonder if this has any correlation to that whatsoever.
God help me.
Diamonds sparkle in the mouth of the shadow
The Thing's odor is T H I C K and wafting
Into Her helpless throat and lunges
Puss-filled Saliva
From It's tEEth.
She is seized underneath, stricken, lips parting
A long --knife d
Unruly gasp.
Onto, the back alley streets, into, the sewer.
Festering in Man
Manifest: what is festering in man?
The strangest incendiary impulses-
My perverted brain is prepared to pull women's clothes off like overripe banana peels;
Though I assure you, this is normal.
My carnal instincts may only be subdued by me doing push-ups, indefinitely.
Manifesting in my body is indomitable envy.
As my expiring mind tickles over my multitudinous undiscovered talents, withering away, In comparison to the glorified newfangled successes; they are surely famed succubuses.
Still I know, manifesting underneath my chaotic tendencies is a thin film of all I adore: The leading conductor of life's tragedy.
In My Bud’s Car
My friend gave me his keys; and then I took her hand. It was near the end of high school and she was definitely my high school sweetheart.
We closed the doors and she hopped on me. I knew she had been with someone before but I wanted to exceed her expectations.
I stayed like a throbbing rock inside of her for two hours. She was sweetly moaning and smiling all the while. I'm sure my face looked like I was trying to solve an advanced algebra problem, overly focused. But she was surely looked cute enough for both of us.
I remember it felt good, but I remember even more how determined I was to satisfy her.
I was still erect after two hours in perfect warmth; when my two friends from the school dance came outside and began jumping on the hood of the car.
We were laughing loudly, blushing and putting on our clothes.