Who Searches for Me
Never want to be the Rihanna to his Chris..
& I don't mean physically..
But mentally he beat my thoughts further than I could reach my sanity, instead of
The heart that wants to love him.
My soul grew attached to a soul with an unlatch motive..
He is just the body filled with the wrong feels that
Have set his mindset to corrupt.
My peace into pieces that are shattered
He knew I wouldn't find.
Leaving him filled with to much of me.
Leaving me empty battling
My emotions that are battered
Wanting to feel the real I've only had visions of..
In someone who searches for me.
When our words bite
Putting no positive light
Into this thing that seems toxic.
I still want you.
Even after all we go through.
Can I still be the Angel
Who softens your hulk attitude,
Human again?
Even when I'm the reason?
Excusing my defense.
Although it could never make sense.
For we are opposite.
But nothing has stopped us thus far.
Will you be my forever?
Or just the longest temporary ever..
No pressure, No lectures
Of what this could be.
Just hopes of what you should be.
Letters to them|Letters to you
You People
I wondered if I was good.
If I could be relevant enough to be heard.
Or were my words as annoying as the smacking of the lips while eating.
I wondered..
If they could see me as clear as I see
My flaws dripping beneath my courage
To almost be free
Of what you people believe.
I whispered to myself
So that my ears heard in routine.
You're not what they believe.
You are what you prove yourself to be.
The vision of your reality.
Letters to them|Letters to you