Haven't you realized,
How it all began,
With a flash of thunder?
Rain pattering,
Pen scribbling,
Lips whispering,
Door creaking,
Storm raging,
And there was nothing more but a blunder.
Haven't you realised,
That back then,
Before she came,
Everything was fine?
Back then,
Before her presence,
Echoed in the empty hallways of your mind,
There was no such thing as 'time.'
Back then,
Before the ablazed walls,
Crumbled down,
You were mine.
We’ll be old friends again
The wind pushes the swing
The gravity
Of the old oak tree
Whose limbs are open wide
One more game of pirate's treasure
One more climb on the mainmast
To the crows nest
To have a look-a-bout
As the old ship is fading fast
And soon
I must sail too
Because soon
Trees will just be trees
And our adventures
Silly memories
And my existence
Lighthearted stories
You'll share when you see
Open and inviting limbs
Gnarled bark, perfect footing
This isn't goodbye
We meet again
After so many layers of life
And stacks of responsibilities
Age has a funny way
Of turning back
A confusion of confusion
As they tuck you away
In a room with a view
Of a tree
And I'll be there for you
We'll be pirates again
You and me
In the cold, hard font of Times New Roman
intentions can sometimes lose their meaning
a quip may be confused with a barb
and honesty can sound like attack
thats where emojis come in handy
the only trouble is
I have yet to find one
that successfully communicates.......
'you're a dickhead, get a big dog up ya'
Return to me
It is a mystery
I am the lunatic
My feet point in the direction
My heart refuses to follow
It is hidden
Just beyond my reach
Or at very least
It is a hole
A wound sustained
From which I have no clear recollection
It could heal
If I could quit prodding it
Quit squeezing the edges
Dipping my fingers in the pus
Like a milky spring
From where my words originate
From where my art takes shape
The nucleus of my pain
Real and conceived
The real reason I can never love
Or be loved
A wound
I cannot let heal
A spring
I refuse to let dry
A pain
I cannot ignore
A hole
I will never fill
All for
That forever return
Serious Young Insects
Serious young insects
scuttle and click
tightly tuned springs
of a clockwork tick
tick, tick, tick.......
those clacketty legs
and train track backs
erect and refined
waxed and sublime
cut glass eyes
see from behind
dissecting their finds
scouring for prey
masquerading as play
those clever
crisp mouths
spit paradoxical puns
to canned corn applause
as they wiggle their bums
oh here they come
bravo what cheer
impossible syntax
oozed like diarrhea
OCD ethics
and anal pursuits
they scatter their seeds
in an urge to pollute
OMG their antics are cool
as they bite off your head
and force out a stool
you fodder their smirks
with your awe full cow eyes
just step on those jerks
and cut them to size
(be cruel to be kind)
Dream In, Dream Out
I edge
on tension
of tide
was that your voice in the shrill of night?
as I clawed this frame under bedded lies
choking of death and crying to life
hard breath from weakest moment
I break
as my shorings
bite land
was that you? or just me in shadow?
how would one know in black fog?
fingers crossed, eyes cursed
stricken numb by witches will
I run
fleeing cold
for cover
maybe I found us both in dark places
or just enough of us to put things right
knowing wanes in diminishing light
just the stumble to fumble to reach
I sleep
to be frozen
in dreams
I awake thawed to dream once more........