A Better Place, Through the Years
They're in a better place,
They tell me.
They're happy there.
Were they not happy here?
Now I'M not happy here.
When will they come back?
They're in a better place,
They tell me.
Like a vacation.
We never got to go on a vacation.
How do you know they like vacations?
Maybe they're mad
Being stuck somewhere like
Florida, or something,
And away from us.
When will they come back?
They're in a better place,
They tell me.
That's not true.
I asked my teacher
Where people go
And she told me
Nobody knows for sure.
They're not on a vacation!
They're lost!
We have to find them!
They're in a better place,
They tell me.
I smile sadly
And give them a nod,
And a 'Thank you'.
A better place, huh...
That coffin doesn't look much better to me.
They're in a better place,
I tell myself,
Pushing back tears--
But without them,
This place
Is so much worse.
Saint Hatred
I spit on color
and it brightens,
give pain its sweetness
and lift joy from depths
of flatness, pinning
legs to passion as it
flees monotony.
I make meaningful the void
and stitch devastation with
notion of possibility,
a shield against the world
while you reconstruct hope.
Yet I am despised as I
heap definition on
all that comforts.
one day, I will fade
into tales of regret and look
on from the forgotten shadows
of your heart. and I will smile.
and hate how long it took peace
to give up greed and find you.
farewell old friend. glad you made it.
Scar Tissue
my favorite scar
lies on my wrist,
it predates memory,
which suggests
I was born broken.
it's deeper than
the other ones
that exposed the
unnerving shade of bone,
the first reveals
my frailty,
perhaps neglect
or a shadow of things
to come.
so I love it for what
it isn't because it
was never mine.
weakness left by another.
Rotten Rainbows
you left these vile smudges running
aimlessly over my every curve.
once polished and brilliant and
elegant in a dreary doorway.
I now reflect streaks of
rotten rainbows as light glances off
the oily residue of your touch.
I'm sure germs are screwing vigorously
along the lines of marred shell. My shell.
you could have at least washed
before the fondle. at least looked
before twisting and using.
I let you in. you closed the door.