The Secret Language
This language that you speak-
I speak it too.
You thought I wouldn’t recognize
the signs: the odd curve
of your mouth around those words-
holding onto something
it can't quite chew.
But I saw the words fester
as snakes in your throat
the syllables; little teeth, leaving marks
as they slither out.
The phrases
a thousand years old
yet you know them so well.
We were holding hands when
they were passed to us- don't you remember?
The grammar
taught to you in the womb-
feed to you through the placenta
as your spine was unfolding.
This language that we speak-
we learned in no school.
pressed into skin
like pencil across paper
into bone marrow
on Sundays.
With The Tide
So Cronus took his sickle
and marred the Earth
and was forever branded Titan
for it
but amongst cornflowers grew
and the harvest did not fail that year
or the one after.
And Zeus reached out and tore
thunder from the sky, but
it did not burn his palms
and he
soiled his fathers face
and shattered the marble
statues, yet
forming again from the ashes and dirt-
brittle and fair.
Thus Man took the temples and the cities
and tore them down, and from the
rubble, they pried
with bleeding hands
Glass and Metal
and built their own fortresses
and shaped the winds and storms that would
havoc their bodies-
stronger with the tide.