Truth or lie?
~ I have three sibling (two sisters, one brother)
~ I am short for my age (my own mother is taller than me and she is 5"!)
~ I have curly hair (supper curly it frizzes up easily and it's hard to handle)
~ My eyes change color (they turn from the colors blue, green, and gray or it will be a mix like blue/gree, blue/gray, blue/green/gray, and etc.)
So what are my three truths and one lie?
I look at the descriptive door. It was a cream color. The carvings so smoothed. The way it carved into flowers and weird shapes unknown to humankind or to me at lease. The way it shaped as a quarter of a circle keeps me wondering who in the world makes these weird shaped doors. The golden handle had the perfect shape of a circle other than the door and has a hippo carved into it for some unknown reason. Now I am freaked out by a door, hoping it would hit me in the face so I can get out of reality.