Be Useful For Once
use em as a tent,
use em as a freind
use em as a ghost costume
use em to pay rent
use em to build a house
use the brick to reach the soup bowl in a cabinet too high to reach
use the blanket to sleep
use the brick to bash in the walls of
your enemy’s fortress and then
use it to bash in the heads of the soldiers
use the blanket to hide the bodies
use the blanket in a picnic
use the brick to cut
and use the blanket to hide the wounds
use the blanket to be alone
use the brick to build the tombs
use them to become a superhero
with a long flowing cape
whose only weapon is a brick
which is truly something to appreciate
use them to get some dollars
to buy a bottle of rum
use em to create a pokemon
use em in trade
use the brick to make messes
and use the blanket to clean them up
use the blanket as the canvas, and
use the brick as the chalk.
use the brick to make your neighborhood safer,
with a sidewalk
use the brick to enact revenge
on the highschool bullies
by placing it in a convenient spot.
use the blanket to keep warm
when and where warmth is not
use the blanket to make clothes.
use the brick as a hat,
just because it’s a fad to do stupid shit like that
use the brick as soles for shoes, and
use the blanket for the cloth parts
use the brick as a countertop
to cook delicious food
and use the blanket as fuel
for the fire to cook it.
use the blanket to weave a picture
of worlds lost long ago
and use the brick to make a sculpture
like that of michaelangelo
use the brick to make a splash
by dropping it in the ocean.
and while you’re at it, make lemonade
and let the world wonder how you did it.