Giving in.
Fight back! She yells at me. Not seeing how hard it is to keep it together.
The angel on my shoulder tells me to be good, but the devil tells me to skin her like leather.
My confliction causes hestitation within my already clenched fist,
my muscles are tight, the joint locked in my wrist.
They’re only words, don‘t believe what they say,
but I’m done being a victim. This brutality ends today.
I look to my right and flick the angel off my shoulder,
then turn to my left. It is time to be bolder.
Revenge flows inside me, like a river going north,
I’m not a hero today. I set my villain mind fourth.
To be selfish is the wrong word to use,
I have to be a villain to end the abuse.
I have to be firm, maybe do something cruel, for once they’ll fall to their knees and I won’t be the fool.
My inner villain has spoken, and my evil self I have awoken.
The power sends shocks down my spine it gives me an adrenaline rush, it isn’t my fault they gave me the final push.
So I walk up to her, I get in her face.
My blood beings to rush and my heart begins to race.
She looks at me with a smug little grin,
thinking there‘s no way I’d ever let the dark side win.
But boy is she wrong, if only she knew,
and this final thought released my first and it flew.
It raced through the air and it’s as if time slowed down.
Moments before impact I can see her fearful frown.
I make contact with her nose and the shock sends her back,
it seems like the perfect second to begin my attack.
Years of pain have let up to this situation,
it’s like I’ve kept a brave face to keep my concentration.
But not anymore, that was the last of the straws,
My punch was the seed that grew my devil horns and claws.
I look in her eyes and I can see all her fears,
her cheeks are bright red and dampened with tears.
I have to tell myself that this is what she deserves,
it was her after all that got on my nerves.
For once I have power, I’m a villain in control... but is it worth it? Should have given the devil my soul?
Why bother
My eyes are heavy and my heart is hollow,
my mind feels compressed as I have no dreams left to follow.
The blankets suffocate my feet with a warm yet umcomfortable feeling,
my arms are glued tight to the mattress as a wound is when it’s healing.
My pillow is stained from the mascara from the previous night,
I’ve left myself stranded. I can’t tell what is wrong, why don’t I feel right?
Just hours before I faced my friends with a big, bright smile.
It was fake though, it has been for a while.
Why don’t they notice when the colour has drained from my eyes?
Why don’t they ask me why I’ve hidden my sorrows with lies?
Do they not remember the person I used to be?
Do they not remember their old friend; me?
What’s the point, why should I keep trying?
There really is no reason that I should be denying,
that the old me is dead.
The paranoia pounds me, like a shot to the head.
Get up. Why bother? I have nothing to lose.
Wouldn‘t I be better off if I just drowned in my blues?
Even if I get up I’ll just be sleep walking,
and my subconscious will take over, and I’ll be auto pilot talking.
No one would notice if I didn’t leave my comfort zone,
because they aren’t the ones left lying here alone.
My thoughts stab my gut, telling me I have no place.
Maybe they‘re right. I’ll just quit the race...
But then I feel a sensation of joy,
and there on my floor sits patiently my good boy.
His eyes look at mine, and I know he sees my struggle.
He nudges forward, a good boy who gives the best cuddles.
And then I remember. My purpose. My only day’s important goal,
is getting out of bed to put food in my dog’s bowl.
Illusion vs Reality
Night holds mysteries unknown to the human mind,
the dark silent virtue is when I discover the creatures unlike any other kind.
My dreaming state brings me to the inaccessible world that I long to be a part of,
a world filled with unique and mystical creatures that over time I’ve grown to love.
The elves welcome me at the gates of my mind‘s creation,
every thought I’ve stormed lies here, every which one from my imagination.
Although my body lies still in bed I feel no attachment to the physical world that raised me,
winding thorough wooded pathes alongside the village knomes is where I’d rather be.
The path ahead of me is lit by the light of a firefly,
the prints from hooves are imprinted in the dirt from where a unicorn has passed by.
I wind down the path knowing it leads me to my future.
This is nothing more than I dream, so I thought but now I’m unsure.
I reach a village, a meeting place for all.
I stare in astonishment as I look upon the centaurs, I lose focus, trip and I fall.
I fear the dream will be over, as that’s what happens when you reach the ground.
But instead I hit the surface, emitting a loud booming sound.
To my surprise I feel a sharp pain in my hip,
I look down at my dirtied pants and sure enough there’s a bloody rip.
How can this be? I sit there in disbeleif.
I look around and see I’m still in the village, which comes as a relief.
The science drilled in my brain tells me I’m wrong,
it’s impossible to go to another dimension in your sleep, I must stay where I belong.
I draw attention to the crowd who now look my way.
A two headed beast opens his mouth with something to say.
“Do not be afraid, we have been expecting you.”
”Expecting me? You must be mistaken, what good can I do?”
The beast looks around, he smiles at me.
”Why don’t you know? You created this world for us, there’s so much for you to do and see!”
Ya right, I think. There’s no way this is true.
I pinch myself, feeling pain however, my suspicions grew.
More of the crowd comes around, to see what’s the commotion.
My head begins to ache from the sudden emotion.
“It’s not real, I know that as a fact!” I say with courage, for myself I’ve made a pact.
I won’t let myself go crazy, it’s not good for the brain.
“It’s no lie I can assure from my horns to my feet, this is reality, even if you think I’m insane.“
It’s hard to take the word of a make believe hybrid,
especially when you know for sure you fell asleep well within your grid.
What was meant to be a relaxing getaway fantasy,
turns into a stressful scenario which gives me anxiety.
“Well I want to go home, please let me leave!”
”Ms please, you just have to believe!”
No convincing will do the trick this time,
I want to return to the world that is mine.
“No I must go, thank you for the offer, but I know I’ll miss home too much if I stay any longer.“
Frowns appear on the faces of the strangers,
seeing their concern makes me feel more at ease, and less at danger.
“As you wish, just close your eyes really tight, and I‘ll send you back home with one quick flight.”
I do as he says, and squeeze them all the way, and when I open my eyes it’s in my own dear bed where I lay.
“What a crazy dream“ I exclaim, when ouch! I turn over and feel a sharp pain!
I look on my side and see my ripped and bloodied pants, with dirt stains on my hands that I see with a glance!
What have I done? I begin to feel weary?
Is my imaginary world not so imaginary?