She waits
And waits
And watches the little bubble pop up and disappear on the screen
She is practically holding her breath in anticipation of the words tucked behind the three little bubbles
Might he reference the night they spent together not too long ago
And spill out elaborations of love and desire
Or will he respond with excuses to never cross her again
She waits
The screen drenches her in its light as she sits alone in her dark bed, her mind tumultuous with cascading expectations
The bubble disappears
No response yet
She returns the phone to the nightstand and lay there in her bed
Feeling alone and unable to sleep
Seeking no less than the comfort the bubbles may bring
The crisp sound of a bell cuts through the stiff, yet pungent air. She tenses up in cruel anticipation, trapped in her Pavlonian nightmare.
She has tried to keep track of time, but time itself has become elastic, if for no other purpose but to prolong her torture.
The cold stone walls seem to inch closer with each passing moment, becoming more oppressive, and the sterile steel she is bound to seems to mock her with its touch. She tries to seek solace in her memories, when touch was sensual and solitude invited, but cannot see beyond her betrayal and heartbreak.
A loud hissing sound issues from behind, and suddenly electricity is snaking throughout her and her steel bounds, and then everything is just pain and burning flesh.
It stops.
She can't help but wonder if it is her or agony that is his twisted inamorata.
The bell rings again.
It's funny how the most beautiful things are the most
susceptible to break;
A hollow shell boasts polished exterior
painted with intricacies
perfected by the rituals of daily life
all products of a cosmetic revolution
designed to buff and polish and conceal
what cannot be wished away
But under the same incandescent light
we are all yellow
and tired
and frail;
Held together by our aspirations that one day
after the most extravagant metamorphose
we will finally be released from the glue of insecurity
and so that we may fall apart
to rebuild once again
so that we are not quite so hollow
and perhaps everything will ok
Because the truth is
our porcelain exteriors will shatter and break
or become dull alongside the processes of age
And one may see through the porcelain walls we built
to conceal the brittle entity that is human nature
riddled with its imperfections
which no cosmetic blanket can hide
once all our exteriors have fallen
into dusty porcelain pieces at our feet
we will realize that we are the same
asymmetric and unpredictable
yet beautiful and strong
and filled with the humanity we suppressed
which made us weak