Act one, scene one
Setting: We are in a writer’s room in Ottawa. The stage is stripped down to a bare black box with but a table and chairs for the writers in stage center. The background actors initially located upstage have access to minimal props and costumes and flexible stage areas. There are movable platforms and spotlights for the characters.
At rise: ACTORS 1-5 roam around upstage, behind a table and chairs in stage center. ACTOR 1 seems lost, attempting to tie a clown shoe on one foot and a boot on the other. ACTOR 5 bumps into a table and stubs their toe.
Enter BRAINSTORMERSfive, in numerical order
BRAINSTORMER 1 (with passion, to BRAINSTORMER 3)
You must hear this! Truly original! Incomparably unique! Beyond compare! trailing off Unparalleled rarity! …
BRAINSTORMER 2 (while organizing papers)
Looks like I am the only one who came prepared…
BRAINSTORMER 3(existentially, to BRAINSTORMER 1)
But what is originality, really? Can anything be unique in the infinite web of interconnected thought and time?
BRAINSTORMER 4 (dramatically, clutching a notebook to their chest)
Ah, the weight of expectation. To create is to suffer. To share is to bleed!
BRAINSTORMER 5 (unenthusiastically, sitting down with a heavy sigh)
Let’s get this over with.
(ACTORS 1-5 stop roaming and stand ready, but unsure of what to do. They exchange confused glances. ACTOR 1 trips over their own shoes. BRAINSTORMER 3 lines up color-coded highlighters.)