Don't call me crazy
tell me something I don't know
May your mind and heart never waver as you strike the keyboard of life
Love is never what it seems it is neither friend nor foe
With every day the infection begins to grow
The symptoms range from mild to severe
From deathly cruel to nauseatingly sincere
One day a fever followed by paranoid delusions
Driving you pushing you to make wild conclusions
Another day you feel safe and rested in its embrace
Drifting superbly in such a peaceful place
But do not be fooled do not forget its lingering bite
It can drag you down without a fight
It has several faces each one designed to draw you in
Leaving you dizzy and your head in a spin
It's both a blessing and a curse
So sugary sweet and addictively perverse
© M.Withers/M.Strudwick . All rights reserved.
Both the name The EriduSerpent/EriduSerpent
and any written material is owned solely by the above named.
Permission granted for all written material to be shared but not for profit.
Printing or publishing is prohibited without seeking permission first from said owner.