Time doesn’t mean a thing
You said to me that everything is a fantasy and is all just words and we didn’t spend not even a whole week together….and I agree with you on the last part. We did not!
And back then I choose to stay quiet…
But let me ask you what time does really means? Time doesn't mean a thing.
You could have known someone for eternity and they still could not understand your core existence, yet the “stranger” that you have not spend even a week together knows exactly who you are.
Time doesn't mean a thing
Carry the fuck on
Some things are hard to write about. After something happens to me, I go to write it down and I find myself in front of my laptop staring and telling to myself that everything is so fucking temporary in here - what I am even trying to do?
And most things will be okay eventually, but sometimes like today I find myself holding on really hard and realise there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is dark, small quiet room.
Carry the fuck on.
Infinite Colour
Close your eyes.
Paint me miles away from here in infinite colour.
No shadow; immortalise me as I am.
Let me run free on the canvas, and I will question everything I ever took for granted.
Add a super power, and make me invisible so only you know it's me.
On my journey, help me not to fall into fantasy.
...and if you want to choose a season let it be winter, and let summer in my eyes forever.
You will see me fighting with all my fears, so paint a brave face to scare all my demons.
You will be the only one who knows how lost I am inside.
Be kind, and let me grow...
More dark green to color my silence.
Is that rain? No, dont cry - we are all mortal here.
There is no forever, only our connections will float in to the atmosphere
I don't want clouds above me, all I need is a circle falling in love with a square
Instead of the sun paint a big yellow triangle with a black one within.
Reach the depth of my being where you exist only as conscience – free from human inhibition.
Now smile… and when you open your eyes you’ll be more pure than my imagination could ever allow.
April 6, 2016 / Flow
Hungry Wolves
You´re going to hate this but the truth is that I am a creep in an imaginary tower
and you can´t even pass through the dark forest of my thoughts.
This imaginary stupid tower and those cold nights, the forest...made me the
person I am today. I survived the days when I didn´t want to even be alive.
And now please stop telling me about your superficial life..and how terrorized and flattened you are by trivialities, and how you are eaten up by nothing.
My wolves are getting hungry.
Save yourself.
We are all just humans, high on the idea that mediocre love, only love, can heal us. But how about strong connections between us?
How about another human dimension? How about we dig deeper than this?
How about getting real? This is the only way we can heal our brokenness.
There are too many mediocre things in life; What we create between us shouldn´t be one of them. I believe that there is something better, something stronger inside.